mandag den 24. september 2012


ACN founders - De 4 ACN Stiftere

Greg Provenzano is the President and Co-Founder of ACN Inc. the world's largest direct seller of telecommunications and essential services to residential and business customers.
Greg is a born entrepreneur who had a very successful career in business and network marketing that began in 1984. He spent nearly a decade examining the industry before founding his own direct sales company in January 1993, along with ACN's other three Co-Founders.
Since then, Greg has served as the company’s President, working alongside the other Co-Founders to set the overall direction and vision of the company. Greg uses his skills and knowledge of the industry to communicate daily with leading ACN Independent Business Owners, passing on his experience to enable others to be successful in the industry. By providing leadership, motivation, training and an utmost commitment to personal development, Greg has, through inspiring words and motivational messages, helped countless ACN Independent Business Owners write their own success stories in ACN. Through his leadership, Greg helped grow ACN into the success story it is today, operating in 23 countries throughout North America, Europe, Asia and the Pacific.

Robert Stevanovski is Chairman and Co-Founder of ACN Inc., the world's largest direct seller of telecommunications and essential services to residential and business customers.
After entering the network marketing arena in the late 1980s, Robert held senior positions with two highly successful marketing companies. His history in the industry gave him the vital experience needed to become one of the driving forces behind ACN's formation in 1993, alongside ACN's other three Co-Founders. Since founding ACN, Robert has played a vital role in the daily operations of the company, particularly in its product lineup and business development.  He also serves as a distinguished ACN Board Member. Robert spends much of his time making business development decisions that keep ACN at the top of its game. He’s been integral in expanding ACN's product portfolio to offer a complete line up of services people need and use every day, including ACN's flagship product, Digital Phone Service. Through his guidance and expertise, Robert helped grow ACN to the 20th largest direct sales company in the world, operating in 23 countries throughout North America, Europe, Asia and the Pacific.

Mike Cupisz is Vice President and Co-Founder of ACN Inc., the world's largest direct seller of telecommunications and essential services to residential and business customers.
Prior to ACN’s formation, Mike started and ran several successful companies in the mid-1980s, building nationwide sales organizations, and holding several senior positions in various organizations. Since founding ACN with the other three Co-Founders in 1993, Mike has served as ACN Vice President and Co-Founder, working alongside the other Co-Founders to set the overall direction and vision of the company. In addition, he devotes much of his time to ACN's international growth and expansion. He prepares the groundwork for ACN's expansion by helping ensure an established presence and a successful launch in each new country. Mike also builds relationships with ACN's leading Independent Business Owners throughout the world to support them in their businesses and works with them on a daily basis. Mike’s philosophy is that there will always be a need for the essential services ACN offers, so there will always be an opportunity through ACN. Therefore wherever Mike needs to be – whether it’s in North America, Europe, Asia, the Pacific or beyond – he will be there training and supporting the Independent Business Owners of today and tomorrow.

Tony Cupisz is Vice President and Co-Founder of ACN Inc., the world's largest direct seller of telecommunications and essential services to residential and business customers.
Tony is a business strategist, a motivator and a teacher who has been involved in the direct selling industry since 1986. After holding several senior positions at other direct sales organization, Tony set out to found ACN with the company’s other three Co-Founders. Since then, Tony has worked closely with the other Co-Founders to set the overall direction and vision of the company. He uses his strong direct selling background to integrate ACN's company vision to the field of Independent Business Owners by combining his knowledge and understanding of the industry with his ability to communicate with Independent Business Owners, teaching them how to be successful. Therefore he spends a tremendous amount of time working with and mentoring key ACN leaders, as well as ACN's future leaders. For Tony, communication with the Independent Business Owners is key. The process of communicating, motivating and training is constant. In addition, Tony manages ACN's marketing and training programs, keeping the tools and opportunities to succeed widely available to Independent Business Owners. 


Jonas Madsen                                            24-09-2012
Hvis du vil vide mere eller har nogle spørgsmål om ACN.
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onsdag den 19. september 2012


ACN - Multilevel Marketing 

Hvis du går ind under "Det centrale virksomhedsregister" der kan du læse om virksomheden "ACN Danmark A/S" 



Cvr-nr:                                                     24212572
Startdato:                                                16.09-1999

Branche:                                                  611000 Fastnetbaseret telekommunikation
Virksomhedsform:                                 60 Aktieselskab

P-numre for denne virksomhed:           1006412835 (ACN DANMARK A/S) 

Du kan selv gå ind på: og så søge i søgefeltet "ACN DANMARK A/S" der kan du se alle virksomheds oplysninger.

Jonas Madsen                                            20-09-2012
Hvis du vil vide mere eller har nogle spørgsmål om ACN.
Så kan jeg kontaktes på


ACN - Multilevel Marketing

"Det anses kun for at være pyramidespil, når den økonomiske gevinst hovedsagelig stammer fra indskud fra nye deltagere. Udenfor falder altså de egentlige salgsorganisationer, der er pyramidisk opbygget, de såkaldte Multi Level Marketing virksomheder .

Afgrænsningen mellem Multi Level Marketing og pyramidespil beror på en konkret vurdering,
men som tommelfingerregel kan man sige, at såfremt der ikke er et salg af reelle produkter,
er der tale om et ulovligt pyramidespil."

"Der bliver ikke optjent nogen kompensation hos ACN, med mindre der er formidlet kunder.
Ingen uafhængig ACN-repræsentant er garanteret succes. Enhver succes afhænger direkte af den enkelte persons arbejdsindsats. Ingen er garanteret en indtægt som uafhængig ACN-repræsentant, og ikke alle uafhængige ACN-repræsentanter en fortjeneste."

Arbejd hårdt og giv aldrig op! 

Det er så nemt at skrive negative ting på nettet. hvis man google'r "ACN"  så kommer der 100 vis af sider hvor folk kritisere virksomheden.. Jeg vil væde med at 9 ud af 10 af alle dem som skrive det såkaldte "lort" om ACN ikke ved en skid af hvad de skriver. De vil bare have en mening om noget de ikke ved noget om. Jeg syntes det er helt okay de ikke vil ind i ACN og det er der ingen der skal tvinge dem til.

Tænk på det sådan her: hvis en ven har introduceret dig til ACN.. hvorfor skulle det så være noget "lort". Han er din ven så hvorfor skulle han snyde dig? 

Jonas Madsen                                            19-09-2012
Hvis du vil vide mere eller har nogle spørgsmål om ACN.
Så kan jeg kontaktes på


 ACN - Multilevel Marketing (English version)

Im not good at English but i try to
explain it..

I can understand people are critical of ACN .. I was also in the beginning! Now I have been in ACN for about 8 months and I can only say "IT'S SO NICE"! It was one of my friends who showed me the ACN opportunity and I was very critical about it. I think I wrote to him in a month about the ACN opportunity. finally I thought "why not just try? .." As I said, 28 days to cancel. I got started with ACN .. Already the first month I earned  3750 kr. and it was great money had already earned back so I could not lose it! I'm still in ACN and sin still it is just so cool!


Apple, Google and Microsoft are working within the same industry (Telephony) and the world's 3 richest people working in the same industry: Telephony and is the owner of 3 MLM companies.

ACN Denmark A / S has been in Denmark since 1999, if there had been some tinkering around it. I wonder if the Customs Service and the Commerce and Companies Agency, IT and Telecom Agency, the National Consumer Agency and the Competition Authority had put a stop to it? and I wonder CALLME and Natural Energy'd be working with them?

If you still think it's bullshit .. So just let the opportunity pass you!

-Jonas Madsen                                                    19-09-2012

If you need more information or have any questions about ACN.

contact me at


ACN - Multilevel marketing

Jeg kan godt forstå folk er kritiske med ACN.. Det var jeg også i starten! Nu har jeg været inde i ACN i ca 8 måneder og jeg kan kun sige "DET ER FOR FEDT"! Det var en af mine venner der viste mig ACN muligheden og jeg var meget kritisk, men alligevel meget nysgerrig. Jeg tror jeg skrev med ham i en måned om ACN og til sidst tænkte jeg "hvorfor ikke bare prøve?.." Der er som sagt 28 dages fortrydelsesret. Jeg kom i gang med ACN.. Allerede den første måned tjente jeg 3750 kr. og det var fedt pengene var allerede tjent ind igen så nu kunne jeg ikke tabe på det! Jeg er stadig inde i ACN og syndes stadig det er lige så fedt!


Apple, Google og Microsoft arbejder indenfor samme branche(Telefoni) og verdens 3 rigeste mennesker arbejder indenfor samme branche: Telefoni og en er ejer af 3 MLM firmaer.
ACN Danmark A/S har været i Danmark siden 1999, hvis der havde været noget fusk omkring det. Mon ikke at Told og Skat, Erhvervs og Selskabsstyrelsen, It og Telestyrelsen, Forbrugerstyrelsen og Konkurrencestyrelsen havde sat en stopper for det? og mon Callme og Natur Energi gad have samarbejde med dem?

Hvis du stadig syntes det er noget lort.. Så bare lad muligheden gå forbi dig!

-Jonas Madsen                                            19-09-2012

Hvis du vil vide mere eller har nogle spørgsmål om ACN.
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